Thanks so much for all you do, and for giving the book a lil shout out! As I was writing it, I often found myself thinking specifically of how a section would strike you -- especially on sections about the research regarding neural "differences" in Autistics, I thought a lot about how to write about what data there is in a meaningful and synthesizing way, without feed into bio essentialist, big pharma friendly ideas. A lot of the revisions I made throughout the process were informed and inspired by your critical ADHD studies frame. You're just one of those thinkers who is so often in my head, helping me refine and challenge my own ideas.

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So excited about Unmasking Autism!!! Pre-ordered it weeks ago and haven’t stopped thinking about it

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Very very cool stuff! I know Dr Han Ren on insta/Tiktok did a video recently about how the prolonged grief diagnosis was introduced to allow professionals to bill insurance & advocate for continued therapy/sessions (similar to the unspecified mood disorder thing), but also acknowledged that we really shouldn't be pathologizing grief either. So hopefully professionals are keeping that nuance in mind and doing their best in terms of balancing it etc.

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Devon has a new BOOK I am LIVING

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Started diving in to the inspiration link behind 'equal opportunity pathologization' -- I think every issue(?) leads me to at least 1 trove of connections and I appreciate it!

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